I’m looking forward these 4 sessions at Google Cloud Next ’20 OnAir (Weeks 1 & 2)

Like every other tech vendor, Google’s grand conference plans for 2020 changed. Instead of an in-person mega-event for cloud aficionados, we’re doing a (free!) nine week digital event called Google Cloud Next OnAir. Each week, starting July 14th, you get on-demand breakout sessions about a given theme. And there are ongoing demo sessions, learning opportunities, and 1:1s with Google Experts. Every couple weeks, I’ll highlight a few talks I’m looking forward to.

Before sharing my week one and week two picks, a few words on why you should care about this event. More than any other company, Google defines what’s “next” for customers and competitors alike. Don’t believe me? I researched a few of the tech inflection points of the last dozen years and Google’s fingerprints are all over them! If I’m wrong with any of this, don’t hesitate to correct me in the comments.

In 2008, Google launched Google App Engine (GAE), the first mainstream platform-as-a-service offering that introduced a compute model that obfuscated infrastructure. GAE (and Heroku) sparked an explosion of other products like Azure Web Apps, Cloud Foundry, AWS Elastic Beanstalk and others. I’m also fairly certain that the ideas behind PaaS led to the serverless+FaaS movement as well.

Google created Go and released the new language in 2009. It remains popular with developers, but has really taken off with platform builders. A wide range of open-source projects use Go, including Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Prometheus, Hugo, InfluxDB, Jaeger, CockroachDB, NATS, Cloud Foundry, etcd, and many more. It seems to be the language of distributed systems and the cloud.

Today, we think of data processing and AI/ML when we think of cloud computing, but that wasn’t always the case. Google had the first cloud-based data warehouse (BigQuery, in 2010) and AI/ML as a service by a cloud provider (Translate API, in 2011). And don’t forget Spanner, the distributed SQL database unveiled by Google in 2012 that inspired a host of other database vendors. We take for granted that every major public cloud now offers data warehouses, AI/ML services, and planet-scale databases. Seems like Google set the pace.

Keep going? Ok. The components emerging as the heart of the modern platform? Looks like container orchestration, service mesh, and serverless runtime. The CNCF 2019 survey shows that KubernetesIstio, and Knative play leading roles. All of those projects started at Google, and the industry picked up on each one. While, we were first to offer a managed Kubernetes service (GKE in 2015),  now you find everyone offering one. Istio and Knative are also popping up all over. And our successful effort to embed all those technologies into a software-driven managed platform (Anthos, in 2019) may turn out to be the preferred model vs. a hyperconverged stack of software plus infrastructure.

Obviously, additional vendors and contributors have moved our industry forward over the past dozen years: Docker with approachable containerization, Amazon with AWS Lambda, social coding with GitHub, infrastructure-as-code from companies like HashiCorp, microservice and chaos engineering ideas from the likes of Netflix, and plenty of others. But I contend that no single vendor has contributed more value for the entire industry than Google. That’s why Next OnAir matters, as we’ll keep sharing tech that makes everything better.

Ok, enough blather. The theme of week one is “industry insights.” There’s also the analyst summit and partner summit, both with great content for those audiences. The general sessions I definitely want to watch:

Week two starts July 21, and has a theme of “productivity & collaboration.” A couple sessions stood out to me:

Next OnAir has a tremendous list of speakers, including customers and Google engineers sharing their insight. It’s free to sign up, you can watch at your leisure, and maybe, get a glimpse of what’s next.

Author: Richard Seroter

Richard Seroter is currently the Chief Evangelist at Google Cloud and leads the Developer Relations program. He’s also an instructor at Pluralsight, a frequent public speaker, the author of multiple books on software design and development, and a former InfoQ.com editor plus former 12-time Microsoft MVP for cloud. As Chief Evangelist at Google Cloud, Richard leads the team of developer advocates, developer engineers, outbound product managers, and technical writers who ensure that people find, use, and enjoy Google Cloud. Richard maintains a regularly updated blog on topics of architecture and solution design and can be found on Twitter as @rseroter.

3 thoughts

  1. Notable timeline of some great chapters Richard! I learned a lot. The only one I might pick on is the Netflix reference. I don’t think induced chaos as a QA function was developed at Netflix. I saw “randomly bang in the keyboard till the SW breaks” in action before Netflix was founded, but I still love their service.

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