There’s a new cloud-based integration platform available. Here are eight things I like (and two I don’t) about Google Cloud Application Integration.

At this time, exactly twenty three years ago, I was in a downtown Seattle skyscraper learning how to use a rough version of a new integration product from Microsoft called BizTalk Server. Along with 100+ others at this new consulting startup called Avanade (now, 50,000+ people), we were helping companies use Microsoft server products. From that point on at Avanade, through a stint at Microsoft and then a biotech company, I lived in the messaging/integration/ESB space. Even after I switched my primary attention to cloud a decade or so ago, I kept an eye on this market. It’s a very mature space, full of software products and as-a-service offerings. That’s why I was intrigued to see my colleagues at Google Cloud (note: not in my product area) ship a brand new service named Application Integration. I spent some time reading all the docs and building some samples, and formed some impressions. Here are the many things I like, and a few things I don’t like.

I LIKE the extremely obvious product naming. We don’t have a lot of whimsy or mystery in our Google Cloud product names. You can mostly infer what the service does from the name. You won’t find many Snowballs, Lightsails, or Fargates in this portfolio. The new service is for those doing application integration, as the name says.

I LIKE the rich set of triggers that kick off an integration. The Application Integration service is what Gartner calls an “integration platform as a service” and it takes advantage of other Google Cloud services instead of reinventing existing components. That means it doesn’t need to create its own messaging or operational layers. This gives us a couple of “free” triggers. Out of the box, Application Integration offers triggers for Pub/Sub, web requests (API), scheduler, Salesforce, and even some preview triggers for Jira, ZenDesk, and ServiceNow.

I LIKE the reasonable approach to data management. Any decent integration product needs to give you good options for defining, mapping, and transporting data. With Application Integrations, we work with “variables” that hold data. Variables can be global or local. See here how I explore the different data types including strings, arrays, and JSON.

The service also generates variables for you. If you connect to a database or a service like Google Cloud Storage, the service gives you typed objects that represent the input and output. Once you have variables, you can create data mappings. Here, I took an input variable and mapped the values to the values in the Cloud Storage variable.

There are some built-in functions to convert data types, extract values, and such. It’s a fairly basic interface, but functional for mappings that aren’t super complex.

I LIKE the strong list of tasks and control flow options. How do you actually do stuff in an integration? The answer: tasks. These are pre-canned activities that stitch together to build your process. The first type are “integration tasks” like data mapping (shown above), looping (for-each, do-while), sending-and-receiving user approval, sending emails, calling connectors, and more. This is on top of native support for forks and joins, along true/false conditions. You can do a lot with all these.

As you might expect (hope for? dream?), the service includes a handful of Google Cloud service tasks. Pull data from Firestore, invoke Translation AI services, list files in Google Drive, add data to a Google Sheet, call a Cloud Function, and more.

I LIKE the solid list of pre-built connectors. An iPaaS is really only as good as its connector library. Otherwise, it’s just a workflow tool. A good “connector” (or adapter) offers a standard interface for authentication, protocol translation, data handling, and more. Application Integration offers a good—not great—list of initial Google Cloud services, and an impressive set of third-party connectors. The Google Cloud ones are primarily databases (which makes sense), and the third party ones include popular systems like Active Directory, Cassandra, MongoDB, SAP HANA, Splunk, Stripe, Twilio, Workday and more. And through support for Private Service Connect, connectors can reach into private—even on-premises—endpoints.

I LIKE the extensibility options baked into the service. One of the complaints I’ve had with other iPaaS products is they initially offered constrained experiences. All you could use were the pre-built components which limited you to a fixed set of use cases. With Application Integration, I see a few smart ways the service lets me do my own thing:

  • JavaScript task. This “catch-all” tasks lets you run arbitrary JavaScript that might mess with variables, do more complex data transformations, or whatever else. It’s pretty slick that the code editor offers code completion and syntax highlighting.
  • Generic REST and HTTP call support. The service offers a task that invokes a generic REST endpoint—with surprisingly sophisticated configuration options—as well as a connector for a generic HTTP endpoint. This ensures that you can reach into a variety of systems that don’t have pre-built connectors.
  • Cloud Functions integration. We can debate whether you should ever embed business logic or code into maps or workflows. Ideally, all of that sits outside in components that you can independently version and manage. With Cloud Functions integration, that’s possible.
  • Build custom mappings using Jsonnet templates. The default mapping may not be the right choice for complex or big mappings. Fortunately you can define your own maps using a fairly standard approach.

I LIKE the post-development tools. I’ve occasionally seen “day 2” concerns left behind on the first release of an iPaaS. The focus is on the dev experience, with limited help for managing deployed resources. Not here. It’s coming out of the gate with good logging transparency:

It also offers a versioning concept so that you can not fear making changes and immediately having those changes in “production.”

The pre-defined monitoring dashboard is good and because it’s built on our Cloud Monitoring service, offers straightforward customization and powerful chart features.

I LIKE the fit and finish of the UX. This feels better than a v1 product to me. The UI is clean, the visual designer surface is smooth, there are a wide range of security configurations, it has useful inline testing tools, and it has some well thought out error handling strategies. Additionally, it offers features that took a while to come to other iPaaS products including upload/download of integrations, versioning, and programmable APIs.

I DON’T LIKE the explicit infrastructure feel of the connectors. With Application Integration, you explicit provision and become aware of connections. When creating a connection, you pick node pool sizes and wait for infrastructure to come online. This is likely good for predictable performance and security, but I’d rather this be hidden from the user!

I DON’T LIKE the lack of CI/CD options. Admittedly, this isn’t common for every mature iPaaS, but I’d like to see more turnkey ways to author, test, version, and deploy an integration using automation tools. I’m sure it’s coming, but not here yet.

All-in-all this, this is an impressive new service. The pricing is pay-as-you-go with a free tier, and seems reasonable overall. Would I recommend that you use this if you use NOTHING else from Google Cloud? I don’t think so. There are other very good, general purpose iPaaS products. But if you’re in our Cloud ecosystem, want easy access to our data and AI services from your integration workflows, then you should absolutely give this a look.

Author: Richard Seroter

Richard Seroter is currently the Chief Evangelist at Google Cloud and leads the Developer Relations program. He’s also an instructor at Pluralsight, a frequent public speaker, the author of multiple books on software design and development, and a former editor plus former 12-time Microsoft MVP for cloud. As Chief Evangelist at Google Cloud, Richard leads the team of developer advocates, developer engineers, outbound product managers, and technical writers who ensure that people find, use, and enjoy Google Cloud. Richard maintains a regularly updated blog on topics of architecture and solution design and can be found on Twitter as @rseroter.

4 thoughts

  1. Thanks for this good overview, helpful! The built-in connectors can really help with simple to intermediate use-cases, love these type of automation tools when they’re fast and easy, and have simple consumption-based pricing models, like this one does..

  2. Hi Richard. Thanks for the awesome article. I just wanted to point you to an important resource which helps to address your CI/CD concern. While we are working on getting this more built into the product, we do have an open source solution available on GitHub and there is a great article on our Community site with full instructions for how to use it to automate CI/CD processes with Application Integration. Here is the article:

    Scott Haaland – Google Cloud – Application Integration Senior Product Manager

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