Daily Reading List – February 26, 2024 (#266)

Did you have a good weekend? I think I did. This work week started fast, so the weekend is a distant memory. I really enjoyed today’s reading list, and I hope you do too.

[blog] How startups beat incumbents. Simply outstanding post. Study this for a way to think about disrupting incumbents, while also protecting yourself from disruption.

[blog] Minimal downtime migration from PostgreSQL database to Spanner PostgreSQL dialect database. Your code may have a lot of PostgreSQL-aware syntax, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use a cloud-native database like Spanner. This post shows how you can migrate the backend without changing the frontend.

[blog] Running machine learning in the cloud for live service games. You might not be in the gaming industry, but sometimes reference scenarios in other domains inspire us. This post (and accompanying GitHub repo) explain some valuable cases where gen AI will improve the experience.

[blog] Rust developers concerned about complexity, low usage. There’s no shortage of viable programming languages out there. Rust is popular, but these seem like legit concerns to work on.

[blog] Respond to Incoming SMS with NodeJS and Google Cloud Functions. The Twilio folks like to show how their platform works with others. Smart. They also just published one on sending SMS messages through Cloud Functions.

[blog] AI: The Difference Between Open and Open Source. Stephen looks at our recent Gemma AI model release, and not confusing “open” with “open source.”

[blog] Routing Enhancements for Go 1.22. These are common sense updates, and make Go much easier to use for HTTP services out of the box.

[blog] Auto-provisioning Artifact Registry though Cloud Run Source Deploys. Nice little post by my colleague that shows how to deploy serverless workloads without NEEDING to set up a specific spot to store app artifacts.

[article] What Makes a Code Change Easier to Review? Relatively short post that explores a paper about code changes. Specifically, it highlights the change description, size, and history as important factors.

[article] Sabre completes migration to Google Cloud, closes 17 data centers. Being halfway done a cloud migration isn’t a fun place to be. Companies like Sabre moved fast, and now they get to reap the benefits of being almost fully in cloud.


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Author: Richard Seroter

Richard Seroter is currently the Chief Evangelist at Google Cloud and leads the Developer Relations program. He’s also an instructor at Pluralsight, a frequent public speaker, the author of multiple books on software design and development, and a former InfoQ.com editor plus former 12-time Microsoft MVP for cloud. As Chief Evangelist at Google Cloud, Richard leads the team of developer advocates, developer engineers, outbound product managers, and technical writers who ensure that people find, use, and enjoy Google Cloud. Richard maintains a regularly updated blog on topics of architecture and solution design and can be found on Twitter as @rseroter.

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